FrmInstall Server Service Installer wwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwp wwwwwp Form1 LblServerName &Server Name CmbServer CmdInstall &Install Frame2 &Performance Server ChkPsInstall Install ChkPsAuto Auto Start ChkPsNow Start Now Frame1 &Blackjack ChkBjInstall Install ChkBjNow Start Now CmdHelp &Help CmdExit E&xit Form_Click Form_LinkCloseq Form_Load startupdir result LMNetServerEnum2_L1 ServerInfoK SV_TYPE_ALL NERR_SUCCESS5 lmerror MB_ICONEXCLAMATION MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE@ ApplicationName IDABORT IDRETRY FrmDefineEventF CmbServer sv1_name server_info_1a FrmInstall CmdInstall_Click UseInfo) use_info_1 ui1_local ui_remote servername ui_asg_typeO USE_DISKDEV LMNetUseAdd CRLF? ui1_remote ui1_asg_typep LMNetUseAdd_L1x ui1_password ui_passwordc ui1_typeR ChangeLanManINI Command1_Click> TxtDriveLetter; copyfile ChkBlackjack3 CHECKED[ ChkBjInstall_Clickq ChkBjInstall ChkBjAuto enabled ChkBjNow FALSE ChkPsInstall_Click ChkPsInstall ChkPsAuto ChkPsNow value ChkBj Unable Blackjack service server startservice autostart currentdirI CmdHelp_Click WinHelp HwndZ HELPFILE HELP_INDEX CmdExit_Click Dummy HELP_QUIT mousepointer HOURGLASS RestoreLanmanIni text1 Installation halted CmdInstall MB_OK Form_Load set the current directory for the file copy Call the VB LAN Manager Toolkit sample function for enumerating servers. Use this to populate the Available Servers combo box.s Error attempting to enumerate servers. Error <" exit the loop populate server combo box CmdInstall_Click No server name entered. Service can not be installed. starts with a single \d make it a double \\ make it start with \\ check the servername to make sure that it is a valid 8.3 name else all the file operations will fail \\12345678.123 \\12345678 is too long a name for the copy functions to work. Please refer to the online help for" instructions on how to install the service(s) by hand. Check for the length of the valid unc name for file open \admin$" there is a known bug in autostarting the blackjack servicek and the perfsvr service at the same time, hence the code to autostart blackjack is commented out at this time If ChkBjAuto.value = CHECKED Theno autostart = TRUE= Else autostart = FALSE End If blackjack" bjsvr.exe" Unable to modify LANMAN.INI file on server " You must have admin privilege to perform this operation. Installation halted. \bjsvr.exe \services\bjsvr.exe" check for the return error code Unable to Copy Blackjack service file to server Make sure that the Blackjack service is not already running. Installation halted. blackjack" The Blackjack service could not be started." no need to exit the sub, the install was okN The Blackjack service was successfully installed on Now do the same thing for the performance server service. I perfsvr" perfsvr.exe" Unable to modify LANMAN.INI file on server " You must have admin privilege to perform this operation. Installation halted. \perfsvr.exe \services\perfsvr.exe" check for the return error code after copying the filee Unable to copy Perfsvr service file to server Make sure that the Perfsvr service is not already running. Installation halted. perfsvr" The Perfsvr service could not be started." No need to exit the sub, the install went okN The Perfsvr service was successfully installed on ChkBjInstall_Click ChkBjAuto.enabled = TRUE ChkBjAuto.enabled = FALSE ChkBjAuto.value = FALSES ChkPsInstall_Click CmdHelp_Click CmdExit_Click